April 27, 2011

Finally Something to Write About!

I haven't written anything because classes have just been basic lecture and information.
Last week, I took my first Exam in Introduction to Veterinary Clinical Skills, and I got a 88% on it :)  Today in Animal Physiology, I rocked out my first Exam with a 95% :):)

We got to work with animals a little bit today in VCS...practicing restraints again.  Our kitty was hilarious...he acted like he was drugged or something.  Extremely lazy and did whatever we wanted him to do.  Awesome patient :)

I really like how this school utilizes hands-on learning.  Last week in Office Procedures, we practiced filling out OSHA injury reports!  And our VCS instructor sent syringes home with us to practice recapping needles safely!

I'm assuming as we get further along in the quarter I'll have more to write about.  I'm sure we'll be doing more with animals starting next week!

That's all for now.  Until next time :)

April 11, 2011

Weekly Update?

If you have a feeling this blog is so scarce lately, it's not because I've abandoned it.  It's only because there's not much to write about!  The first week of school is always slow, small assignments, syllabuses and rules to go over.  Nothing worth writing about.

Last week in Vet. Clinical Skills, we went started some math (English to Metric conversions).
In Animal Physiology I we went over atoms, cells, etc.
And in Vet. Office Procedures we went through the basics of working the front desk at a clinic, and we got to fill out fake intake forms and checks.  I love doing hands on work in class!

Today in Intro to Vet. Clinical Skills, we spent the first 20 minutes helping check in the new animals for the week.  Every week, the Chippewa County Humane Association loans us about 5 cats and 4 dogs so we can learn on real animals.  This week, we were able to help out with intake (filling out the forms and kennel cards).

Next, we got to play around with the microscopes in class.  We did cheek swabs and checked out the cells that line our cheeks.  It was neat :)

I'll probably write an update Wednesday after classes, or Friday. We'll see ya then!

April 5, 2011

Start of Second Quarter - 1/8th Done :)

First Day of Class

I started my 2nd quarter today!  I feel like my first quarter went by really fast...but I'm not complaining!
I really like this school's view on scheduling.  We do (2) - 2.5 hour classes a week, instead of (5) - 1 hour classes per week, and we have (4) - 12 week quarters per year as opposed to (2) 16 - week semesters and an (optional) summer course.

My first class today was Introduction to Veterinary Clinical Skills, and it went well.  We went through typical first-day information (syllabus, course competencies, etc) and reviewed some information from last quarter (Medical terms, abbreviations)  and finally we started int on the basic information of what a Clinical Laboratory is, what they do, etc.  

So far, I like it...and I know 7/8 of the people in my class :)

This Quarter's Schedule:
Mondays & Wednesdays (1:10-3:20pm):  Introduction to Veterinary Clinical Skills
Wednesdays (5:30-7:05pm):  Animal Physiology I
Fridays (8:30am-12:10pm):  Veterinary Office Procedures

Side Note :)
Also, I will be starting a new job this week. I will be working in the Deli at a local Supermarket and I'm really excited about a change of pace.  I really think this will give me some income, and I will be able to come home and do homework afterwards.  At my Assisted Living (Memory Care) Job, I couldn't do homework after work.  I came home and had to spend the rest of the night de-stressing.  I think this will be an awesome change :)

Wednesday I have this class again, and Animal Physiology I.  I have classes only 3 days a week this quarter (which really saves on gas), so I will be writing a little less.  Just so you know :)  

Thanks for reading!!